


(*1) 休憩は自由に取ってもらいますが、2段ベットの上り下りを伴う清掃を程よくスピーディーにこなせる必要があります。
(*2) 7~9月は宿泊客を見込めるのですが、5~6月はもともと宿泊客数が少ない上コロナの影響がどう出るか読めません。宿泊客が少ないと清掃業務が発生しないので、私と一緒に惣菜調理をしてスーパーへの納品や当店での販売などをしてもらいたいと考えています。
(*3) 夫婦ともに英語を話せますので英語での会話は可能です。お客様から声をかけられたりすることもあると思うので、笑顔で「確認します」等受け答えができたら良いです。

Hi, We are Ken and Mia, the owner of the guesthouse and hiring for 2021!

Job description: cleaning rooms, bathrooms, cooking assistant
Salary: 900-1,000
Work period: May,June-Oct, but can be flexible.
Work hour: 2-6hours/day (14~28hours/week)
Stay: you can have one of the bunk beds in the dormitory rooms.
Number of people hiring: 2
Sex: any
Skills: a person with communication skills, physical strength(*1), basic cooking skills(*2), motivation to learn Japanese language(*3).

(*1) You will be asked to go up to the bunkbeds to clean at a good pace. You can rest anytime when needed.
(*2) You will be basically asked to help around cleaning but sometime help me cook and do the dishes when there is no cleaning job.
(*3) Both of us can speak some English but you might want to respond in Japanese to the guests saying like “I will check and get back to you” when they ask questions. However smile is everything.

Your expected starting date is May but we cannot guarantee that we will get many guests due to the Covid especially in May and June. If you are ok, you can stay here and work minimally in May and June. I am also thinking to create some cooking job if there is no cleaning job needed but not sure the exact hours I can offer yet. Please let us talk.

We are all looking forward to having you on our team!